the thoracic cavity 意味

  • 胸郭


  1. there is bleeding in the thoracic cavity as well . at this
    胸腔内にも出血しています このままだとdicになります
  2. there's even bleeding from the thoracic cavity , i think dic is taking place .
    胸腔内にも出血しています 恐らくdicです
  3. precisely even with a gunshot that high in the thoracic cavity , one would expect more
    さらに言えば 銃創が心臓より上でも 出血はもっと多い


        thoracic cavity:    thoracic cavity 胸腔 きょうこう きょうくう
        drainage of the thoracic cavity:    胸腔{きょうくう}ドレナージ
        left thoracic cavity:    左胸腔{ひだり きょうくう}
        thoracic:    {形} : 胸の、胸郭{きょうかく}の -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 【発音】θэrae'sik、【分節】tho?rac?ic
        thoracic...:    thoracic... 胸部― (節足動物)[地球]
        cavity:     cavity n. 穴; 〔解剖〕 腔(こう); 虫歯の穴. 【動詞+】 dilate a cavity 腔を広げる I have to go to the dentist to get a cavity filled. 虫歯の穴をふさいでもらうために歯医者に行かなくてはならない Fluorine treatment markedly reduces th
        in a cavity:    腔所中{くうしょ ちゅう}で
        into a cavity:    腔内{くうない}に[へ]
        thoracic part of thoracic duct:    thoracic part of thoracic duct 胸管胸部[医生]
        at a thoracic level:    胸の高さで
        thoracic aneurysm:    胸部大動脈瘤{きょうぶ だいどうみゃくりゅう}
        thoracic aorta:    胸大動脈{きょう だいどうみゃく}
        thoracic appendage:    胸肢
        thoracic band:    thoracic band 胸つい(椎)バンド[医生]〈97T0101:福祉関連機器用語[義肢?装具部門]〉; 胸ついバンド[医生]; 胸椎バンド[医生]
        thoracic brace:    胸椎装具{きょうつい そうぐ}


  1. "the third-class coach was almost full. 3" 意味
  2. "the thirteen sales zones in our district" 意味
  3. "the thirty years' war" 意味
  4. "the thirty-eighth parallel" 意味
  5. "the thirty-three temple pilgrimage" 意味
  6. "the thorny path of life" 意味
  7. "the thorny question of examinations" 意味
  8. "the thoroughfare is closed" 意味
  9. "the thought awakened reflection on my personal responsibility in the matter" 意味
  10. "the thirty-eighth parallel" 意味
  11. "the thirty-three temple pilgrimage" 意味
  12. "the thorny path of life" 意味
  13. "the thorny question of examinations" 意味

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